Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Weell, sorry it's been so long since I've written! I'm doing this program through community futures where they help me out with my business plan, and getting financing etc but they're so slooowww (seems slow anyways) and I can't really get started until they give me the green light. I have found the best blog ever though.. print+pattern. Spent the last few days searching through the archives. Dreaming of decorating my (future) house. Patterns and color.. and me. Renting is so hard.. we can't even hang things on the all.. ick. But enough about that. I have big plans and I need to have sleep to be able to carry them out!


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My little guy Tyson, usually the focus of layouts.. I want to avoid the pile of baby pics in the shoebox syndrome my mother is famour for.
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decided to share some of my life with you all through the power of pictures. Sometimes with scrapbooking I focus too much on the product and not enough on the simple power of a photo.. so here are some ones I love.
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Friday, March 2, 2007

taking it to the limit

It's all starting to come together! All of the Licences are being approved and sent to me, and I get to start ordering the products this week!.. well I'm assuming they'll be closed on the weekend so next week, bright and early. It's been hard trying to juggle my home life, and this, and "All the Rage" the new, sweet E-Zine thats debuting ON National Scrapbooking Day, and work and everything else that comes with life.

I've got the first three kits planned out and am so excited for them. I didn't want anything too matchy matchy but nothing too out there either.. something for everyone. My favorite part of this whole venture is getting the chance to share what I love.. I think everyone should scrap.. and if I have my way.. everyone will!

ta ta Ladies, I look forward to seeing you on my new site soon!