Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Why hello everyone! It's been quite a long time now hasn't it? With the flu settling upon my humble abode and trips and visitors from afar its been a whirlwind around here but looks like its going to settle down for awhile.

We have quite a few changes coming up for October. First and foremost, due to results from a quick survey we did gauging peoples responses to Fresh Pages Co. we've decided to have only 2 or 3 kits every month. The overwhelming feedback was that everyone liked the kits, but there was too much choice.. and because they couldn't decide they just didn't buy a kit.

We will have some months with more kits, and as we start to grow we may think about increasing the number of kits again. It does take a while to become more established, and we are very very young. I started out quite large, and have realized that you must work your way up to that :)

We're also moving to a new blog in the next week or so! The other feedback we're getting is that people want to see what to do with the kit! So on typepad we'll be having both a gallery for a small design team, and for reader submissions! Its a big change, and at some point in the next few months we'll be looking to expand our design team! So keep an eye on here and on pubcalls and you'll be the first to know.

hmm what else.... I'll have some sneak peeks on here as soon as the last of the October things are shipped...

Oh yes, and a large shout out to Anam Stubbington for all the help! She's been absolutely wonderful in offering suggestions and being honest and sharing her vast knowledge of everything! Thanks!


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