Sunday, September 16, 2007


And the "everyday moments kit" from goes to

*drumroll please*

Erica Hettwer said...
Hee! This is fun! My CKMB name is melegs and my Pea name is PeaLegs. Yes, I am sooooo creative with that one!Ha!Erica~melegs:D

If you can email me erica with your mailing address etc we'll get that right out to you! Thanks to everyone who left their names, I wish I could send something to you all (if you bought something I could! he he)

We'll have another one soon. There are some major changes coming up to the way we're going to be doing things so check back tomorrow for that. Have a great day!


Erica Hettwer said...

OMG!!! How cool! I never win anything! Thank you, thank you, thank you! My very own drumroll!

And, I'd like to thank the Acadamy... LOL!!!


Pattyjo said...

Congratulations Erica!

Rachel said...

Congrats Erica!!!!