Friday, October 12, 2007


Hi Everyone. Guess what? We're moving to our new blog now! go to to enter our latest contect, and check out our October Kits. November sneak peeks will be up soon!

Monday, October 1, 2007

October Kits

Just to let you all know that the October kits will not be up until Friday, October 5th due to manufacturers problems. Seeings how this is only our second month I hope that you'll understand!

The new blog will be ready in a few days, Our new 2 kits format will be in use for October. I will however be keeping up the September kits that we have a few of.

There is a SALE on all September kits still in stock. The new prices reflect this sale, as well take a 5.00 discount for second kit you purchase, 10.00 for every third one etc. We also combine the shipping.. take advantage of our shipping maximums!



Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Why hello everyone! It's been quite a long time now hasn't it? With the flu settling upon my humble abode and trips and visitors from afar its been a whirlwind around here but looks like its going to settle down for awhile.

We have quite a few changes coming up for October. First and foremost, due to results from a quick survey we did gauging peoples responses to Fresh Pages Co. we've decided to have only 2 or 3 kits every month. The overwhelming feedback was that everyone liked the kits, but there was too much choice.. and because they couldn't decide they just didn't buy a kit.

We will have some months with more kits, and as we start to grow we may think about increasing the number of kits again. It does take a while to become more established, and we are very very young. I started out quite large, and have realized that you must work your way up to that :)

We're also moving to a new blog in the next week or so! The other feedback we're getting is that people want to see what to do with the kit! So on typepad we'll be having both a gallery for a small design team, and for reader submissions! Its a big change, and at some point in the next few months we'll be looking to expand our design team! So keep an eye on here and on pubcalls and you'll be the first to know.

hmm what else.... I'll have some sneak peeks on here as soon as the last of the October things are shipped...

Oh yes, and a large shout out to Anam Stubbington for all the help! She's been absolutely wonderful in offering suggestions and being honest and sharing her vast knowledge of everything! Thanks!


Sunday, September 16, 2007


And the "everyday moments kit" from goes to

*drumroll please*

Erica Hettwer said...
Hee! This is fun! My CKMB name is melegs and my Pea name is PeaLegs. Yes, I am sooooo creative with that one!Ha!Erica~melegs:D

If you can email me erica with your mailing address etc we'll get that right out to you! Thanks to everyone who left their names, I wish I could send something to you all (if you bought something I could! he he)

We'll have another one soon. There are some major changes coming up to the way we're going to be doing things so check back tomorrow for that. Have a great day!

Monday, September 10, 2007


Just a reminder to those wanting to purchase kits that they are going fast. Also, the RAK will be drawn on September 15th so keep on commenting, and passing along the message. I'll post again soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

newest RAK!

Hey.. for the latest one.. leave your pea name, or CKMB name on the comments below.. you could win the everyday moments kit on

Also if you are a company, or blog, that needs a sponsor please email information to for consideration. Thanks!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

New shipping rates

Hi Guys, the shipping rates are on the website under FAQ

6.00CAD for Canada
10.00 for the US
13.00 for International

This is being revised to say MAXIMUM 6.00, MAXIMUM 10.00, and MAXIMUM 13.00 for a kit.

If it is less you will be charged actual shipping, more and I will cover the remainder. More than one kit and it is actual shipping.

Thanks for being so patient as we work out the kinks.
RAK anyone?

For anyone who purchases a kit this lovely long weekend expect some lovely surprises in your package!

We now have a total of i think 8 RAK winners from the past week, whew! It's almost addicting, this giving things away...

PS_ I'll be working on the picture size starting Tuesday when I can get ahold of my web developer, I'm sorry!!!
they're up!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Twas the night before kits....

and all through my house.. dust was accumulating faster than a mouse.. or then it ought to be.

So here it is guys.. the last night of stress. Tomorrow I see how you guys like it. A few things I'd like to go over before then,

1) The pictures are kind of small.. something I will be working on in the near future. If you need to see something bigger, you can email me at and I can send you a bigger picture.

2) Shipping in pay-pal can only be calculated on a % based system, or on one where you put in from 1-10$ is____ neither of which works for me because we're shipping all over the world. So to make it easier shipping is flat rate.
Canada is 6.00
USA is 10.00
International is 13.00
This is for ONE kit, if you buy more than one kit and the weight of the package exceeds 1kg than I will have to charge actual shipping (normally about 3.oo more)

3) When you make a purchase you will pay only for the kit. I will send a separate invoice for the shipping with 48 hours. This is until I can figure out a better of doing this. I understand some people may not want 2 separate charges, so if you would like I can send out invoices with just one total IF you email me with the kit you want, and it is still available.

If you know a better way of calculating the shipping, and adding it, please let me know.

4) There is no automatic counter on the inventory which means I am doing it manually. Sometimes this may backfire and you may pay for a kit which is sold out. You will immediately be refunded, and should you want another kit, you will receive 20% off the price of the kit, and our very sincere apologies. (any solutions for this would also be appreciated)

One last thing.. please leave nice, happy comments. This is a nice happy blog and I'm being nice to everyone else. Be mean elsewhere.

(winners are Nathalie, and Pattyjo, You guys can each email me at Also Annie and Dolly need to send me their address)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

two more days!!

Only two more days until Fresh Pages is up and running! So this morning I'd thought I'd let you guys in on a few little pictures....would you be interested? he he

We'll also be having yet another giveaway! This one is needs to be a little bit more challenging. I want you all to email everyone you know about us opening. Post on message boards. Put up flyers. Call someone. I'm going to be going through a few message boards today and tomorrow and if I find any that mention us Im going to make a list. From those people they will recieve the biggest prize yet! Actual kits! (To those who have already won, some have been recieved already and the rest are in the mail! Same with all the designers kits!)

So go out there and spread the word. And if you don't want to do that, or you already have, put a few suggestions in your comments. Maybe some kit contents, maybe a place to advertise, or a way to, maybe some recipes.. whatever. Someone from there will get something too. Just make it more fun. And now, for some pictures!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just a reminder

Just a quick note to remind people to keep sending in their kit ideas! We still have an opening for November so just send an email to with all the things YOU would want to see in a kit. Doesn't have to be elaborate could just be

new american crafts pp, foam thickers, heidi swapp bling, LOVE the color red, and hambly!

Easy as pie! If you know someone who might be interested send along the info. They get a free kit out of it, plus the chance to be featured on our site with links back to thier galleries and blogs!

(* note due to international regulations we will not be offering a 50.00 payment at this time. Instead we will be including extra scrapbooking goodies in their kit to make up for it. All designers for the months of Sept and Oct will not be affected by this change. Thanks for understanding)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

winners already!

Melanie aka Batgirl said...
hey! love your site! where in BC are you? Im in Mission!
August 25, 2007 10:10 AM
tessa'en said...
can't wait to see how great your first kit is!!! I com here everyday to look for new info!! ;-)
August 25, 2007 10:27 AM
Marcie said...
So excited for the big opening! Can't wait!
August 25, 2007 10:55 AM

K, guys, you sure are quick on the draw! Send along your mailing address and what your favorite scrapbooking supply, and color is! We'll see what we can get put together for you! send to! and I'll get those out right away!

ps. In answer to Melanies Question, Im living in Kamloops but from White Rock and go down there, and to Vancouver at least once a month to see my family/shop

a new day, a new winner!

It's amazing what you can learn by poking around CK and then following the links...I never would have realized you were a fellow British Columbian! :0) Nice to learn more about you!Dolly- Scrapthat
August 11, 2007 3:31 PM

Hi Dolly! I don't have your email address or anything so you'll have to get back to me! Congrats, also let me know what you'd like from that list, with the box of lovliness gone.

Also, annie, you haven't gotten back to me yet!

Good news.. everything has (finally) arrived! And we're anxiously awaiting September 1st. We'll be having a few big giveaways in the next few days as we prepare for our Grand Opening! Let all of your friends know...and why wait? The first 3 people to respond to this get a prize! Remember to leave your name and your email address or blog so I can get in touch with you!

This is open to anyone in the whole world, except those who have already won on here in the past few days. Check back often for some pictures and some random details!

xxx bri

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Winner #2

Ann(i)e said...
wow....sounds amazing and FUN!!!!!XOAnnie
August 13, 2007 11:12 AM

Annie H. please come on down!

She'll get her choice from the prizes.. rachel chose the big box and randomness. Which is what they're all probably be but.. Annie can pick anyways.

Thanks to everyone, keep commenting/sending me your blog links and I shall keep drawing names!


da da da da *theme music*

Well I am home, and well rested and not even sun-burnt. Ty had a really good time, he would run as fast as he couldinto the water until it was too deep for him to stand and just float on the power of his lifejacket. (with me holding onto the handle on top the whole time) That kid just has wayyy too much confidence around water!

Watched the hills and had a little party for that.. oh random reality TV.. i don't watch much but.. lost, greys and house hunters on a regular basis.

Hmmm.. so we need another winner though now don't we? I shall go grab tv from making a mess and come back and post a winner. Remember.. there are lots more! brb

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rak Winner #1

So the first winner has been chosen! *drum roll please!

Rachel said...
Cute blog! Found it by the post on CKMB. I can't wait to see your first kit.
August 11, 2007 3:31 PM

Rachel! Please send me your address and email stuff and pick what you want from that list!
Ty was pretty boring and just went for the first one he saw.. didn't even scroll down!

There are 6 more to go so keep on checking back!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

shhhh... a secret

sometimes I think the only reaosn I put up RAK's is so that I have links to a whole batch of new blogs.. which I am obsessed with. So just so you know, I've been reading the blogs of everyone who's posted or emailed. :)

Im getting ready to go camping for a night.... by camping of course, I mean an RV in a nice safe campsite with a restaurant near by... Yes. I am THAT girl. Did the tent thing, decided it wasnt for me. Only on the veryyyy few occasions when Ty doesn't get to come. Then I will sleep in a tent. But not with a toddler.

When I get back I'll get ty to point to a name on the screen/delete imporatnt files. Like my best friends contacts in her cell, oops!

Good luck and keep emailing in kit ideas. Oh, and spread the word! Fresh Pages is comin' to town!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


So.. decided I couldn't wait any longer and am having a double contest/RAK.

The contest details... submit a design to freshpages.kit@gmail about what YOU would put in a kit. Be detailed... scroll to the bottom for a little more info, or send an email with your question to

The RAK- just leave a comment on here and you'll be in the draw... :)

Contest starts.. now and closes...Sept 1. I'll be drawing names randomnly from tomorrow on.. you never know when you might get an email!

Prizes.. yah, who doesn't love them...

1. Everyday moments kit- scenic route, doodlebug, chipboard... its sweet
2. Purple onion designs, flower unmounted stamp
3. Scenic Route scrap strips, the new ones from sumner and ashville
4. Collage press, chipboard letters, and some buttons :)
5. Heidi Swapp velvet rub-ones
6. One big fun package :) with total randomness

The contest prize is some goodies PLUS the chance to have your kit made up December :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

October designers have been chosen!

Hi everyone.

Once again a wonderful response! We have all the designers we need for october, but keep sending in your kits as we'll be choosing our November kits really soon! We also keep all ideas on file.

Just to remind everyone,

we accept kit ideas from anywhere in the world
-The kits range in price from 10.00-60.00, averaging 30.00
-you don't have to do themes like fall, halloween or christmas just because its that month
-please keep in mind some of the new CHA releases don't start shipping until october, meaning
they won't be here in time for a november kit
-Be as specific as you want to be, but also remember that some changes may be made based on price, availability etc

PS- we'll have a contest on here as soon as I get the link to the site (nearer the end of August)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


hello and good day my loyal readers! (ok, so its my sister)

It was a beautiful day here in kamloops, went and did some family photos for lances aunt and uncle. Turned out pretty good.. I'm no Tara Whitney/Elsie but you know... I try.

Posted the call on pub calls for designers for October and they're flooding in.. seems to be a popular idea!

Starting to get in the rest of the supplies for Septembers kit which makes me pretty excited. Placing order for the next few months, which means lots of planning ahead. All those pictures everywhere of CHA made me sad.. I thought Ty was too young for me to leave just yet (18 months) so I'm not going until winter CHA. Which isn't that far away! plus.. Lance and I are headed to Vegas in October for our 5 year, I go to Seattle for CKC and we're planning a trip to Mexico with our best friends for next summer (much cheaper flights) Finally starting to travel!

Anyways, I have submissions to go through.. loving ALL the ideas, people are sending in 2 or 3 sometimes too. The hardest part is when I love LOVE a kit, and I know I just couldn't get the supplies in time. The CHA stuff that was just released, some doesn't even start shipping in the US until October.. which means we won't get it until November, sometimes later. So If your kit doesn't get chosen, it might just be because it was too new!

So, looking forward to the new scenic route, ki memories lace paper, heidi swapp floral bling centers, and so many other things! I can feel my pockets empty just thinking about it!

Enough rambling! get those kits in and keep reading my once-a-week-or-sometimes-two-weeks blog!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

coffee keeps me alive..

Ok probably a slight exaggeration because in fact, I don't really even LIKE coffee... I'm a "tea granny" as Lance likes to say. Even in 42 degree weather ( like.. 100+ to you Fahrenheit people) I still drink tea. With lots of milk and sugar.

Not that you care really, I just though I'd let you know. We have all the designers for September as I'm pretty sure I wrote before, one had to step back though for a month and so I got to do a kit. Which I wasn't going to but... :) It's called "My Favorite Things" (brilliant title, I know) and it doesn't really match so much as I just love everything in it.

There will be sneak peeks on here within the next few weeks and I receive deliveries ( like Christmas, but better because its all for me, sorta)

Its all getting very exciting. As is the fact that we're now looking for October designers! By August 1st or thereabouts just send in your idea for a kit (pre-designed products) and we'll pick 10 of the coolest.

Send to and get as detailed as ya can. Come up with a name, a theme, a description, a song and dance routine, anything to stand out. And don't get all sad if you don't get chosen, we need 10 designers EVERY month, and your bound to get picked sooner or later. No limits on the number of kits, but try to keep it to a few a month.

EEK, can't wait to see what you come up with.

ciao bella(s) !

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


So first off, let me apologize for my horrendous spelling... it really shouldn't be that bad with the advent of spell check but.. "it is what it is".

Next, I have been getting kit submissions from all around the world! How very, very exciting! The site is being worked on and will be up for September. I only had to sell my left arm for it! (joking,and two very cool guys from netshift media, and the pulse group are working on it for me!)

We have almost all the designers we need for September. But keep in mind, we also need 10 for October, and for November, and December.. etc etc.. I'm so very excited. The kits rock. Really, Really Rock! Like if I wasn't buying them all already, Id buy them!

So I'm off to get some work done... email me if you have any questions about anything at


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

tick tock tick tock, SUBMIT YOUR IDEA!

Thats the clock of life driving me bonkers.. why can't i just take out the batteriers and enjoy it without it slipping away?

Because its impossible thats why.. grr

Anyways, enough randomness.. its time to get serious. I want you all to start thinking about what YOU would put into a scrapbooking kit. Get specific.. start think what paper, how many, colors, textures, cardstock or not, embellishments or not, what inpired you, what you would do with it, etc etc

Once you have a concrete idea in mind, email me at
Include all contact information, your location, etc

These kits will debut in September of this year. For the first month we are looking for very flexible people who are willing to help us out as we get srated. In return for the submitted idea, the chosen designers will recieve either $50.00 cash or 2 free kits.

We are looking for 7 designers the first month, as we already have 3. They will be contacted no later than July 6th, 2007 and another post will be done announcing when we have all 7.

If you would like us to to keep your idea on file, and possibly use contact you for its use in the future please indicate so in your email. Otherwise it will be deleted.

We will NOT produce any kits without your permission, although you have to keep in mind that someone else may come up with a similar kit.

Thank you all so much for participating and good luck!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

tim and faith

Saw Tim McGraw and Faith Hill in concert this saturday in Vancouver.


the only thing I can think of... I'm more of a fan of their older music (ie wild one and don't take the girl) so I was just hoping they did alot of that... but i was reformed into their new music too.. once you hear it live, and SEE them singing it.. Its just amazing to see. And they really, truly seem to love each other, it was obvious.

Jess and I locked the keys in the car and it took $40 for a guy to come get them out.. and it literally took him 10 seconds...

In other news.. there really isn't much. Spending the summer renting LOST, and am so hooked on it its unbelievable.. i have no clue whats really going on.. they just opened the hatch and discovered a modern apartment type deal with some guy living in it. wierd

till next time, keep fit and have fun! bodybreak!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

some eye candy

Just some layout bits and pieces and some of the first boxes from my order :)

and the beat goes on...

Life can throw some curve balls that's for sure. It's been a hectic few weeks. Good news and bad (they always seem to go hand in hand, as though *someone* wants to remind us that we have to have bad to truly appreciate the good)

Bad first... my beloved nanny has cancer. Just the word itself was enough to make me freak, but apparently its the best kind to get (if your going to get any kind) So we're all very hopeful that every things going to be fine. whew

Good news.... Got my first order, have an amazing company (ies) to design the website (took forever to find people I liked/trusted/could work with)... plus they can do all my printing (ie business cards) do the advertising AND they have a trade show booth to let me use for CKC's next year. So life is looking up.

Had a really distressing incident yesterday though. I was in a wholesale type store that sells retail fixtures. I had Ty with me and he spotted a dog. The sign on the front door said he was friendly but I still wasn't going to let him play with him so I held him. Ty LOVES dogs so he took one look at me and screamed his little high pitched scream. Just once. And the sales lady (HA) came over and got right in his face and YELLED at him NO SCREAMING. He was terrified and I was very put off. I didn't even get a chance to discipline him myself (which would have been a firm no, and an explanation) Ty was pretty upset, he's never had anyone, especially an adult, yell at him like that.

So what do you think? I walked out, and cursed her in my mind all the way home, totally unprofessionally right? Lance thinks I should have popped her one...

How do you deal with those who interfere with your kids?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

RAK winner

A little behind schedule *bashful*

But the winner of the RAK for the survey was Jeanette F. from Fort Worth. Texas. She's been contacted and will receive 100 dollars in supplies!!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me out, I really appreciate it. As mentioned before I will be choosing 5 of those who filled out the survey to receive a Mini-kit for our first month too! They'll be chosen nearer to our opening, but I did want to thank as many as I could.

In more good news. We're almost ready to chose our first 10 designers!!!!! A few will come from those who filled out the survey and expressed interest. The rest of the spots will be filled after a general call is posted on Pub Calls and on the blog. More info on that later!

So start thinking... what would YOU put in a kit?

PS**** For all those of you who have asked about a design team, the people chosen as designers will be sent a kit and asked to create what they wish for each month. Those who purchase a kit can also upload to the site. TWO designers each month will be chosen just from Gallery.

Monday, June 4, 2007

one fine day...

So lance only got one day off this weekend, the way his shift schedule works now is that he works 4 ten hour days, but not all of his days off are in a row. So we took advantage of the extremely nice weather and headed down to the park in town that has a wading pool.. a very crowded wading pool. Ty was overcome with happiness *what is this a giant bath?!?* and he proceeded to trip and dunk, trip and dunk, get splashed by the older kids who shouldn't have been in there, and have the best time of his little life. Got some OK photos, trying to teach my mom how to use my camera, but anything with the three of us in it is *Golden*. So very rare.

In other news, scrap booked last night with my ma, got 2 layouts done is LESS than 2 hours *pat on back for me* AND I used an older photo I love the idea of, but hate the colors in it.. and black and white wasn't an option.. The other one i managed to do on colored card stock.. not my usual black, white, brown I know and love so dearly.

I went to a retreat at Sun peaks last weekend and got the most layouts done, all the while sipping fruity slushy delicious drinks prepared in my own cup (oh bullet blender, how I love thee!)

I'll post photos sometime today of all of them. Maybe someone out there will happen upon this blog, and care :)

anyways, adios

Saturday, June 2, 2007

it sure does fly by...

So life.. it has been *flying* by recently... we've almost finished up with all the government requirements so we're set to debut in August. We'll have some of the kits in Inspired Pages (kamloops, BC) within the next 3 weeks or so and get some feedback from the customers. We'll also be holding some exclusive classes there that showcase the kits and come with a few surprises!

In family news.. Ty's getting his molars in and it *hasn't* been pretty! Poor little guy only wants to be held by me, won't even go to Lance and just grinds his poor little gums together all day.

We did however hit up the water Park yesterday. The first day that it opened 30+ degrees.. man that water felt fabulous! It took him a little while to really get comfortable.. it is a rather shocking experience for someone who has never been to one. I took him out into the middle in a calm spot and crouched down to his level... only to get us both sprayed in the face with a blast of icy cold water... poor little guy didn't know what hit him! But within a minute or two he was taking off without me! The look on his face, just total complete JOY was something I really never want to forget. It was too wet to bring my camera, so I just have to hold it inside. I'm sure we'll be spending MANY days there this summer. The loops is getting hot!

Lance is working shifts now, and for 6 days is on 10:30-9pm which is a first for us.. It sucks not having him here for dinner so I've found myself pushing everything back (including Ty's bedtime) so that we can at least spend a few minutes all together!

I'm working during Ty's nap times, and as soon as he goes to sleep at night till I can't stand to look at the computer anymore. Its all going to be paying off soon though.. I had a few people close to me design the first few kits and have everything ordered for them so we can do a few test runs! I'm so very nervous/excited.. the kind that makes my stomach hurt.. when I think about how much I have riding on this.. not ever just monetarily.. but emotionally. We all want to succeed.. to be remembered right? And this is how I want to make it. So.. wish me luck, and design a kit and I'll be talking to you soon !

"Above all else it is about leaving a mark that I existed. I was there. I was hungry. I was defeated. I was happy. I was sad. I was in love. I was afraid. I was hopeful. I had an idea I had a good purpose and that's why I made works of Art.

-Felix Gonzales-Torres

*Isn't this just the best quote ever?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jess and I taking some very fun pictures..

so this is us.. random ol us.. back walls downtown 'loops.. Didn't we have anything better to do you ask? Well of course we did... but this was much more fun!
Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monday, May 21, 2007

So thank you so much to everyone for helping me out!! I had such a good response that I decided to reward 5 people with a free kit for our first month, which is hopefully August! I'll email them all, and then post their names here as it gets a little closer. I'll also post a request for kit ideas/submissions and then choose 10 for the first month. EVERY month 10 more people will be chosen to design a kit!!

Here's a quick overview of what we here at Fresh Pages Co. will do:

People (Anyone!) submit kit ideas anything from Baby Boy to Bohemian Rhapsody.. and give us an idea of what they would want in that kit.. as specific as " My Minds Eye, Wild Asparagus PP in Sister" or as random as "cute and quirky blues and green, with some overlays from Hambly and definitely rub-ons!"

We then choose 10 of the ones we like best, that we haven't done before, and work with the designers to develop the kit.. adding some of this and some of that. They choose the price range they want it to stay in, the items they NEED to have, the size (could just be paper!) etc... we buy it all, put them all together, put them on (not up yet) and offer them for sale.

The designer gets a package with more detailed instructions, a contract that says whats going on, business cards they can personalize to hand out to their friends and scrapping buddies, a space on the site for a pic and bio and link to resumes, or blogs or galleries.

In return for designing the kit, they get to choose from:

$100.00 in supplies
free kit and 10% of the profits (up to $50.00)
or 2 free kits (theirs and one other from that month)

Every month is 10 diferent kits, from 10 different designers. Occasionally there will be "celebrities" doing the kits, but mostly just regular scrappers who want to have some fun, get their name out there and make some money!

I know some of you are interested, and that some of you are wondering what the catch is, but there really isn't one. Your credited with your design, we do most of the work, you get free stuff or money, and get to tell everyone you designed a kit and they can buy it :)

So that's what we do.. or will be doing. I'm working as fast as I can to get the site up.. I'll let everyone know what its up, and will be taking questions at:

So thank you to everyone, the winners will be contacted by email and then posted on here.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

RAK!!!! Please help me

So turns out I sorta suck at blogging.. I'm really good at reading all the ones I love.. but not so good at updating mine. Will make more of an effort.

But I have a request for you.. I just got accepted into a government program that funds new business'.. catch is "market research" is part of it so I have some questions that need to be answered ASAP. For everyone that sends me a completed survery that I'll post here, I will enter them into my own little draw for a HUGE basket of stuff... and they get to pick it out! (within reason, say 50.00+ worth of stuff) That's how desperate I am! So please help me! I need about 100+ responses to make my graphs all up to date.

The questions are as follows!

Fresh Pages Co. is a new business designed to allow scrapbookers the opportunity to design their own kits, which will be assembled, sold and distributed through our compnay. Debuting in the summer of 2007 we will be accepting submissions within a month's time. The artists will be compensated for their work, and will be given full credit. Thank you so much for agreeing to complete this short survey and Good luck in our draw!

All information provided will be kept strictly confidential. Please include your full name and email address if you would like to be included. Please email your response to:

1) Do you, or does anyone in your family scrapbook or papercraft?

2) Which format do you normally scrapbook in?
12" by "12
8.5" by 11"
Mini Books

3) Have you ever purchased scrapbooking products online?

a) If yes, where did you purchase products from?

4) Would a service that allowed YOU to design a kit, and offer it for sale through our site be of any interest to you?

5) If yes, what do you feel is fair compensation for the design*?
*By desiging a kit, we refer to a submitted theme, or group of supplies chosen by yourself and then purchased, assembled sold and shipped through fresh pages co.

Two Free Kits
10% of the profits of the kit
Flat $50.00 fee
$100.00 in supplies
Free kit and 10% of the profits
Other (please specify)

6) Have you ever purchased a Kit for yourslef or someone else?

a) If yes, where did you purchase the kit from?

7) What price would you be willing to pay for a kit?


8) Should you decide to purchase a kit, how would you like to be able to pay for it?

Pay Pal
Send a cheque or money order
Over the phone
Interac email money transfer

9) Would you like to see digital kits offered on the site?

10) How much do you normally spend on scrapbooking supplies in the average month?

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey, for more information on desiging a kit Please indicate so in the email with these answers


Would you like to be contacted when Fresh Pages Co. debuts?


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

self portrait tuesday

I've decided to join the revolution... take a self portrait and post it to my blog on tuesdays... stay tuned for more.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Weell, sorry it's been so long since I've written! I'm doing this program through community futures where they help me out with my business plan, and getting financing etc but they're so slooowww (seems slow anyways) and I can't really get started until they give me the green light. I have found the best blog ever though.. print+pattern. Spent the last few days searching through the archives. Dreaming of decorating my (future) house. Patterns and color.. and me. Renting is so hard.. we can't even hang things on the all.. ick. But enough about that. I have big plans and I need to have sleep to be able to carry them out!


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My little guy Tyson, usually the focus of layouts.. I want to avoid the pile of baby pics in the shoebox syndrome my mother is famour for.
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decided to share some of my life with you all through the power of pictures. Sometimes with scrapbooking I focus too much on the product and not enough on the simple power of a photo.. so here are some ones I love.
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Friday, March 2, 2007

taking it to the limit

It's all starting to come together! All of the Licences are being approved and sent to me, and I get to start ordering the products this week!.. well I'm assuming they'll be closed on the weekend so next week, bright and early. It's been hard trying to juggle my home life, and this, and "All the Rage" the new, sweet E-Zine thats debuting ON National Scrapbooking Day, and work and everything else that comes with life.

I've got the first three kits planned out and am so excited for them. I didn't want anything too matchy matchy but nothing too out there either.. something for everyone. My favorite part of this whole venture is getting the chance to share what I love.. I think everyone should scrap.. and if I have my way.. everyone will!

ta ta Ladies, I look forward to seeing you on my new site soon!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The daily news

I has been a hectic week. The LSS owners were at a conference in Edmonton this weekend and I worked my first full days there. I got so many pages done! (for me anyways.. I'm notoriously slow) The downside was the only other employee quit.. without notice.. so I covered her shifts this week and had to bring in Tyson. He's walking now which makes it a little harder but at least I have a job I can bring him too.

In other news, The business is registered, PST applied for, municipal licence taken care of, name approved etc etc.. the paperwork you have to go through! But I'm glad it's all dealt with.. I just have to wait for some final forms and Voila! Ordering shall begin.. The first kit is already planned out.. the inspiration came from some beautiful leather flowers I found... It's going to be good. The plan is for a monthly kit of paper, ribbon, embellishments etc that changes form month to month (duh bri) and then a few project kids, and my favorites... the random kits. These ones will be when I get totally inspired by a new line, or product and then put together a kit I KNOW you all would love.

SNEAK PEEK.. the first random kit is all about texture.. the products are meant to necessarily be put together but to introduce people to different textures when scrapbooking.. so exciting!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

happy valentines day!

Well another day of celebrating love has come and gone. I received some lovely gifts from my honey, and hope you all enjoyed your day too! I have some good news too... WON A TRIP TO VEGAS!! i know i know, some people have all the luck eh? My family's always going off about how I have "horseshoes up my a**" because I won a car 2 years ago.. and quite a few other things in between. And I'm going to share with you my secret.. Enter the Contests! I will drive across town to buy three Campbell's soups to qualify. And local ones are better, because you have a higher chance of winning. So there it is. The secret to winning. Good luck.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Crop night last night

So it was crop night at thr LSS store last night... 6-12pm.. very late for me considering I usually go to bed pretty early but so worth it! I didn't sit beside my usual people so I actually got a few pages done! I'll upload them here in a few. It has been a long week.. everyone's been sick and I've been grumpy because I hate being sick! I was so upset about creative escapes too.. i was all prepared to shell out an obscene amount of money and it sold out so quickly I couldn't! Maybe next year I guess...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

So the applications for names for the new company have been sent, kit preperations are underway.. planning colors and embellishment etc. is more work than I thought it would be. I spent alot of time second guessing myself, and my style, to try and appeal to the masses before I realized thats exactly what I didn't want. It's more to appeal to those who want to stretch their boundaries and try new things without totally giving up theit own style. I just want to encourage people to "think outside of the box" with their scrapbooking. So wish me luck.. leave any suggestions/tips/comments for me. I appreciate any feedback you have!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

the beginnings

well well... it it time to announce that a new scrapbooking kit company is being formed as we speak. I've been thinking about diving head first into the scrapbooking world for awhile now, and finally decided that now was the time. I will be providing fresh, funky, classic and crazy combinations designed to stretch your artistic abilities. Its about time the world got its first glimpse of me!